
confessions of a...

gas station attendant.

I'm not really sure why you do it. There's not any reason for you to do it here, right in front of me, a line of people behind you. Tapping fingers on the counter to help your subtractions. 'Tis a silly thing. Please avoid this when you are in my line. I know it's exciting, but I promise promise promise it can wait. I may even be looking at you menacingly, but you still carry on with your number-moving. I suppose I may applaud your dedication as people behind you begin to shuffle and I even motion for you to slide over a bit so I can help the next person, but no, oh no, you carry on.
Why do you insist on balancing your checkbook at my counter?

So what if my applause was a slow clap? (and only in my head.) 

Thank you, come again soon.


  1. i didnt even know that people still balance their checkbooks by hand... what is online banking for?

  2. Generally it's the folks that look like they would never understand what the internet is...there are a lot of those types of folks around here.

  3. omg, I totally have seen this in stores. People who use checks, decide to write in their ledgers before leaving. Oi vey! Do it on your own time people!
