Tonight some shocking and saddening news was tossed my way 'round about 10:08pm. Apparently Pierce Manufacturing is laying off over 100 employees, and starting tomorrow my (very) regular 10pm customer friend is going to be laid off for an uncertain amount of time. As I pondered the cuteness of him actually taking the time to share this information with me, we discussed how strange and sucky it's going to be not to see one another every evening and his future plans to live off of unemployment and my future plans to sell gas until my hair turns grey (or until I get a job in my field). As he walked out the door and wished me a good night and said he'd see me tomorrow, I knew instantly what I had to do.
Yep. I baked him cookies. I mean, let's be honest...
who doesn't want you're-getting-laid-off-cookies from the girl at the gas station!?!?
So I gathered supplies and dug out the cookbook my mom made for me last Christmas which houses my (McGuyvered) cookie recipes. No, I won't give you the recipes. They are secret. I will tell you that I made coffee cookies (to the left, awaiting their turn in the oven) and double chocolate chip cookies and then put a little twist on my mint double chocolate chip cookies...
I ate this one to test it out and needed a full glass of water to be able to breath again. Monster cookie of delicious chocolately goodness, welcome to my tummy.
So anyhow these wonder-cookies will be delivered tomorrow night, the last night that 10pm will mean a guaranteed sale complete with smiles and stupid laughs.
Of course I'll be sharing the rest of the batches of cookies with my other favorite customers:(aforementioned) Heath, Kevin Smith (really! but ok... not the famous one), Rick & Kathy, Dave, my fellow employees and maybe you!
(EDIT: Cookie delivering went uproariously well. He was delighted and in a bit of shock that I baked cookies for him. It was pretty much the cutest thing ever. After I convinced him that I did indeed make cookies for him by handing him a bag full of delightful mounds of awesome he got a little silly.
Me: Do you like coffee?
Him: Whattt? Yeah! Yes.
Me: These are coffee cookies. And these are double choc. And these are mint double choc with choc chunks inside...
Him: What! No way. Woahhhh! I'm going to be shaking from a sugar high all night tonight.
Me: It's okay because these cookies are amazing. You'll see.
Him: I can't....believe................for me?
Me: Yes.
His regular smiley demeanor was especially smiley tonight. I love that. I'm just bubbling along fun!)
You are the sweetness thing! =)
ReplyDeleteyou are such a kind soul, sarah. the world needs you. im sorry, i forgot to let you know when we got home from chicago about the salsa... thank you anyway...