
confessions of a...

gas station attendant.

tears. (teerz) noun. -fluid appearing in or flowing from the eye as result of emotion; grief, sorrow.
They rarely fall from my eyes, but sometimes a girl just needs a good cry. This one was inflicted by a combination of the following: irritability, the price of chocolate, pen throwing, law-abiding-ness, other women's pms, the cost of gas, other woman's crappy day.
I go in waves at the store, there will be months that go by that I thoroughly enjoy work and am able to tolerate customers and treat them amicably but every once in awhile I just feel over-loaded and it seems that if I have to fake nice for one more customer that I will spontaneously combust (which is pretty much the worst possible thing at a gas station).
I get tapped out of nice. Out of being cordial. Out of being welcoming and homey. Out of being a little ray in sunshine in someone's day. Rude customers come and go...they bum me out for a few minutes but I'll get over it as the night moves on.
For the first time the other night, a rude woman left with her goods she complained and grumbled and threw pens (at me!?!) over and I felt myself welling up, so I walked in the back room, turned on the buzzer for the door, and started to cry. Those emotional-girl thoughts started racing though my head..."I don't deserve to be treated like that!" "I cannot believe how rude some people are!" "Jeez I'm like the nicest person ever and I'm freaking crying!" "Why am I crying...I'm such a nerd." "I AM SO LAME NOBODY LIKES ME!" "Oh my gosh nobody likes me I'm never going to get married!" ....and on and on and on. Luckily nobody came in during my dramatic tear escapade, but I quickly realized it was nearing 10pm. Shortly after ten bells walks in a great customer friend dude guy who offered to beat up the woman who hurt my feelings and made me cry. Life was alright after that. 

Seriously. Don't forget we're not robots. We have feelings.


  1. That women was a jerk and doesn't deserve to shop at your store! I hate her! I love you!!!

  2. Wow this really hit home. I know how it is, some days my job drains me more than it's worth..
    I work at a gas station as well. And some days it feels like all of the rude, ungrateful, customers who blame me every time the price of gas and cigarettes goes up, outweigh the ones who bring a little joy to my shitty 8 hour day.
    This always makes me feel better about life..

    customer: I think everyone should have to work in retail.
    yeah. when i was your age i worked at gas stations, grocery stores, you name it. people are ungrateful assholes who blame you for whatever inconveniences them. sometimes people don't understand what affect a simple smile and "have a nice day" can have.

    I've been having more downs rather than ups at my job. your blog kind of made my day.
